Pairing with your partner allows you to explore Paired to its full potential!
Your Pairing link and code are unique to your Paired profile. The code is made of 6 characters (letters and/or numbers).
You can find your pairing link or code at different stages in the app:
When you first create your account, after you enter your name and choose a profile photo
By tapping Invite Partner after replying to the first onboarding question
From the Home tab, at any point after the onboarding, by tapping the icon at the top of the screen
From the Us tab, after the onboarding, by tapping the blank partner image
Once you and your partner are paired, you’ll be able to see each other’s answers to Daily questions, quizzes, games and question packs. If you or your partner signed up for a free trial or a subscription, it will automatically synchronize after pairing, so you can share the Paired Premium experience.
If you have any issue when trying to pair with your partner, please let us know with a description of the problem and a screenshot of any error message you see. We'll make sure to investigate further!